Over the years, we have developed a range of methodologies and tools to help us successfully deliver change. These are unique to Change Specialists and are based on experience and knowledge gained from decades of delivering change, often in complex and challenging situations.

Intelligent Delivery

Our Intelligent delivery approach takes the lid off complex change implementation. It clearly identifies the key parts of delivery, evaluates the risk of different requirements and focuses on business drivers. The outcome? A cohesive, efficient and effective delivery approach.

Benefits of Intelligent Delivery

  • Clear requirements – established and prioritised.
  • Development sequence – prioritised to create a rational framework for the team.
  • Project governance – clarification of the project’s impact and risk.
  • Testing – efficiency and earlier confidence.
  • Release planning – based on both technical and business importance.
  • Go Live assurance – with acceptance criteria based on both project and business priorities.
  • Benefit realisation – prioritised, traceable and transparent enable clarity on progress.

Business Adoption

Our business adoption approach maximises the business benefits of change. It introduces a business-led stream in parallel to the change delivery team to ensure that change is successfully embedded across the business and the required benefits are realised. Regular communications highlight delivery progress and associated impacts on the business. Colleagues from across the business have an opportunity to voice challenges and make observations. Benefits to the business are regularly tracked and reported on.

Benefits of Business Adoption

  • A clear business journey – a meaningful sequence of business activities to achieve success and ensure business buy-in.
  • Common understanding – all business teams affected by the change process understand its impacts and risks for their area.
  • Colleague involvement – business teams are regularly consulted to provide evidence of buy-in and lessons for the future.
  • Smooth implementation – reduced risk of operational issues that can cause adverse customer and cost impacts.
  • Day-to-day transparency – delivery team activity lasts until business adoption confirms the team can disengage and hand over to day-to-day business teams.
  • Demonstrable success – clear evidence that the change has been successfully reviewed and integrated by the business.
  • Benefit tracking – Enable ongoing clarity of business benefit realisation.

One Team

Our One Team approach creates teams with the greatest possible chance of successful change delivery. With over 30 years’ experience, we are uniquely placed to build, advise or supplement your change delivery team. While project methodology and governance are important, nothing is more fundamental to success than choosing the right people and ensuring they share a collaborative approach, vision and values.

Benefits of One Team

  • Enhanced problem solving – synergy gained from multiple minds working on a solution.
  • Better communication – effective sharing of project knowledge and information.
  • Greater cohesion – with clarity around vision, values and progress.
  • Maximisation of individuals’ strengths – enabling strategists to see the future, gamechangers to transform the future, implementers to build the future, polishers to create a future to be proud of, and the conductor to orchestrate the future.
  • Sense of belonging – gained from effective teamwork.
  • Improved performance – as a result of improved problem solving, communication, cohesion and teamwork.

Get in touch today to find out more about our unique approach, methodologies and tools.